Tea, Your Heart & A Long Life

green tea prevents heart disease and increases longevity

Drinking tea is good for your heart, but you should only do it if you want to live a long, long life.

Drinking tea, and especially green tea, is very good for you for a lot of reasons: it helps you lose weight and keep the weight off; it is good for your brain, including preventing Alzheimer’s and dementia; it is good for your bones and good for your eyes; and it fights cancer among its many other benefits.

It also helps you live longer.

A massive 7.3 year study that followed 100,902 people in China found that drinking tea is good for your heart and good for your lifespan.

Compared to people who did not regularly drink tea, people who drank tea three or more times a week had 20% lower risk of atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease and 22% lower risk of dying from it. They also had a 15% lower risk of dying from any cause over the course of the study. Habitual tea drinkers added 1.26 years to their life expectancy.

Interestingly, the benefit came entirely from drinking green tea. Green tea actually lowered the risk of having or dying from heart disease and stroke or of dying from any cause by 25%. Black tea conferred no benefit.

So enjoy a nice, hot cup of green tea!

Eur J Prev Cardiol 2020 Jan 8:2047487319894685

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For much more on treating and preventing heart disease, see our book The Family Naturopathic Encyclopedia.

For more on diet’s role in preventing and treating heart disease, see Linda’s The All New Vegetarian Passport Cookbook: a health book and cookbook all in one book!

The Natural Path is intended for educational purposes only and is in no way intended for self-diagnosis or self-treatment. For health problems, consult a qualified health practitioner for a comprehensive program.

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